Friday, 22 September 2017

Install SKUID AND Display Account Object Records List Using SKUID

What is SKUID

Skuid is a tool that is used to change any element of your user interface, quickly and very easily. With Skuid, you can design your user experience and it is more human and less machine process.
Skuid natively runs on Salesforce and it provides user interface same as Salesforce lightning. You can create an infinite number of the custom Skuid component without writing code.

Display Account records in table using SKUID

Now I am posting video to create table of account object records. 

Watch this video to learn about how to install SKUID package in your org and display accounts records.

Below is the link of AppExchange to install SKUID package in to your org--

Follow the step by step process from video , You will be able to create list of records of Account.

Skuid provides edit, delete, Inline Editing functionality automatically.

We can also set list of record read Only.


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