1. I am displaying accounts record which have rating not equals to NULL.
2. To show data on page , I create wrapper class and defines three properties and assign account field values in to these properties.
3. I create a method to get day name from account createddate and assign in to wrapper class property by passing parameter createddate of account.
2. To show data on page , I create wrapper class and defines three properties and assign account field values in to these properties.
3. I create a method to get day name from account createddate and assign in to wrapper class property by passing parameter createddate of account.
Visualforce Page:
<apex:page controller="UseWrapperCtr" sidebar="false" showHeader="false">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!lstAccWrapper}" var="acc">
<apex:column headerValue="Account Name" value="{!acc.accName}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Rating" value="{!acc.ratingName}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Day Name" value="{!acc.dayName}"/>
Apex Class:
public class UseWrapperCtr
public List<Wrapper> lstAccWrapper{get;set;} // Use this wrapper to show data on the page.
public UseWrapperCtr()
lstAccWrapper=new List<Wrapper>();
List<Account> accounts=[Select Id,name,rating,createddate from Account where rating!=null];
//Iterate account and assign value in wrapper.
for(Account a:accounts)
Wrapper w=new Wrapper();
// Create wrapper class
public class Wrapper
public String accName{get;set;}
public String ratingName{get;set;}
public String dayName{get;set;}
// Find the day name by providing date.
public String returnDayName(DateTime accCreateDate)
String dayName=accCreateDate.format('EEEE'); // get the day name by created date of account.
return dayName;
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